If you appreciate musical theater you have landed on the right shore — “The Further Shores of Knowing.” On this enchanted shore a whale and a human are best friends, ancient wisdom is imparted, irrefutable truths are spoken, reason and courage conquer villainy, love is in the air, and a hero holds the secret to reigniting a star to bring light and harmony back into the world. This is a show the entire family will enjoy, brimming with humor, imagination, lovely music, and hope in the face of adversity and ecological challenges.
Please join our mailing list and consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our journey to a full-stage production. And don’t forget to check out our unique merchandise. Powered by love, reason and a deep concern for the state of the world, there’s no telling what miracles we can accomplish together. There’s a world that needs relighting. There are truths that can save us. Let’s get going!
Music & Lyrics: Michael Urheber Book: Michael Urheber & Jack Engstrom